SafeBR announces law enforcement excellence study (press release)
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
SafeBR announces law enforcement excellence study
Building on 2023 wins, the community coalition aims to elevate best practices for strengthening and investing in public safety
Baton Rouge, LA – SafeBR today announced progress on its year-one community initiatives to improve public safety and announced a major study on transformative investments for enhancing law enforcement resources and efficacy. The study, which will be conducted in partnership with local, state, and federal law enforcement, community, and other public leaders, will examine how Baton Rouge can learn from other communities making transformative investments in law enforcement support and practices including raising pay, enhancing technology, closing recruitment gaps, achieving efficiencies, strengthening community relations, and elevating accountability all in the service of improving community safety.
SafeBR is a strategically formed coalition of private, public, and non-profit leaders working together to create a united response to restoring safety and strengthening our city. The primary goal is to support the creation of initiatives, legislation, and investments that have the specific goal of improving public safety.
Launched in February 2023, SafeBR has hosted a coalition of more than 300 community members and organizations focused on bringing awareness and data-informed initiatives to address the immediate and root causes of violent crime in Baton Rouge. The coalition brought together partners who work daily to enhance public safety in Baton Rouge to understand key opportunities for collaboration and collective investment.
In year one, the coalition identified immediate action while building long-term solutions supporting community safety through three pillars of investment – strengthening communities, resources for law enforcement, and accountability and transparency – and launched and raised resources for new initiatives in those areas. Key contributions over the first year include:
The Opportunity Data Project – Understanding Homicide and Gun Violence in Baton Rouge. The Baton Rouge Area Foundation (BRAF) and its data science partners at Common Good Labs announced a Community Safety white paper detailing the formula of violence in Baton Rouge and areas of investment for strengthening neighborhoods and communities. The coalition partnered with BRAF to ensure these findings can be implemented in pursuit of SafeBR’s three pillars of investment.
Page/Rice Camera Initiative. In partnership with the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Foundation and local law enforcement leadership, the coalition supported a new camera initiative that funded over 100 high-tech crime cameras across East Baton Rouge Parish. The program encouraged businesses to purchase cameras for their location and sponsor others to address the nearly 200 locations law enforcement requested to address areas of highest need throughout East Baton Rouge Parish. The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Foundation intends to announce the next phase of Page/Rice later this month.
Inspiration Center. In partnership with the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Foundation, Boys and Girls Club of Metro Louisiana, and others, the facility hosted a groundbreaking ceremony and raised funds to build the first Inspiration Center located at Howell Park. The unique collaboration between law enforcement, BREC, and community partners brings a proven model for youth engagement and support to Baton Rouge. The facility will use technology, education, sports, and mentorship to engage local children, while also providing services to families. Officials say similar centers in Atlanta, Minnesota, and Wisconsin have seen amazing results, reducing crime in neighborhoods surrounding the facilities. The Inspiration Center will be owned by the LECJ Foundation while the Boys and Girls Club will operate the facility and partner with other service organizations to support youth in the Howell Park neighborhoods.
Pre-Trial Risk Assessment Program. In partnership with the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC), the coalition supported the collaborative effort to create a fully functioning and comprehensive Pretrial Services Department under the 19th Judicial District Court (JDC), which includes the implementation of a validated pretrial risk assessment tool, hiring of dedicated pretrial services staff to screen and provide oversight to individuals assigned to pretrial as a condition of release. The Justice Management Institute (JMI) has been contracted to lead the design and implementation of the Pretrial Services Department.
Case Navigators. CJCC hired two Case Navigators who are based in the Parish Prison and tasked with conducting a needs assessment on all newly arrested individuals, as well as following up with and assisting those same individuals with resource connections once they are released from the Parish Prison.
Bond Review Project. In partnership with the 19th Judicial District Court (JDC), additional funding was secured for assessing and improving the bond review process in the Juvenile Detention Center.
Case Flow Management Study. Similarly, CJCC and the 19th JDC partnered with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) to conduct a case flow study to find new efficiencies in case processing, with the goal of shortening the time it takes to resolve cases. Recommendations are expected in spring 2024.
Specialized Courts. In partnership with CJCC and the 19th JDC, supporting the creation of specialized courts – the Domestic Violence Intervention Court, Veterans Treatment Court, and the Retail Theft Court – all slated to begin this quarter.
Passage of HB 556 (Act 374). In partnership with the Baton Rouge Area Chamber and the East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s office, the coalition supported the passage of critical legislation to create standards, licensing, and oversight requirements for Offender Tracking Systems, electronic monitoring devices that track accused offenders. Act 374 brings oversight and accountability to the system of offender monitoring, closes gaps in communication and data sharing between law enforcement and the judiciary, and creates uniform requirements and standards for companies that employ monitoring devices themselves.
Passage of HB 331 (Act 120). Working with the EBR DA’s office, SafeBR helped pass Act 120, tightening regulations surrounding machine guns in Louisiana. The new law bans any weapon that can automatically shoot more than one shot without manual reloading by a single trigger function, including the frame or receiver of such a weapon, and any parts or combination of parts intended for converting a weapon into a machine gun, like Glock switches. The new law prohibits the manufacture, transfer, or possession of machine guns within the state.
Passage of HB 217 (Act 229). Passed in partnership with 19th JDC, this law adds two additional commissioners to the 19th JDC, allowing for enhanced pretrial services and speedier case processing.
Safe, Hopeful Healthy BR (SHHBR). Jointly aligned with this coordinated program with Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome’s Healthy City Initiative. SHHBR is a connector, convener, facilitator, and strategic partner for community organizations, public safety advocates, and young leaders to create a safe, hopeful, and healthy Baton Rouge for all.
Truancy Dashboard Platform. In partnership with the District Attorney’s office and the East Baton Rouge School System, secured additional funding and support for priority schools' truancy intervention needs through a state-of-the-art technology platform. Further investments and deployment is planned for 2024.
Law Enforcement Excellence Study
As a key priority for 2024, SafeBR seeks to elevate additional partnerships and investments in initiatives that enhance public safety, including a major study and recommendations for enhancing law enforcement resources and efficacy. This study, expected to be completed by Q2, will provide models from other communities that provide a road map for strengthening and supporting law enforcement in the city and parish.
“We believe our law enforcement officers should be the best trained, resourced, and supported public servants. Supporting continued investments into technology, community policing, dissuading known actors of violence, and adopting other best practices is one of the key focuses of the SafeBR coalition. I also believe in the intentional investment in disinvested parts of our parish. Enforcement and investment must both be a priority.”
-Clay Young, Chairman, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Foundation.
“Our collaboration with local and federal law enforcement agencies has been critical to fighting violent crime in our community. It is imperative, however, that we continue to find innovative and efficient ways to police by working with the community so our investments can go farther.”
-Sheriff Sid Gautreaux
“The public demands accountability across the entire system of justice. We have taken critical steps, but more is needed. This study will help us identify how law enforcement in Baton Rouge can create a roadmap that brings together national best practices with our local partnerships.”
-District Attorney Hillar Moore
“As Mayor-President of Baton Rouge, I am immensely proud of the strides we've made through our partnership with SafeBR. This first year has been a testament to the power of community engagement and public-private partnerships in enhancing public safety. Through the work of SafeBR the embrace of existing programs like Safe Hopeful Healthy have gained greater awareness and partners to continue the work. Our commitment to investing in law enforcement and community-based solutions is unwavering, and we recognize that it's a critical component of our broader strategy to immediately address root causes of violent crime. In 2024, our goal is clear – to make Baton Rouge a model city for safety and community partnership. I am excited to see how our joint efforts with SafeBR will further contribute to this vision and create a lasting, positive impact on our beloved city.”
-Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome
Contact: Ethan Bush
(225) 456-3819
About SafeBR: SafeBR is working to create a united response to restoring safety and strengthening our city. This community-driven initiative focuses on making Baton Rouge a safer and more secure place for all residents through specific, data-informed initiatives. With the rising concerns about safety and security, SafeBR is committed to fostering a united effort to address these challenges head-on. SafeBR is steadfast in its focus to reduce violent crime through vision-forward law enforcement practices, a stream-lined judiciary system, and community-based intervention.
Our Vision: SafeBR will serve as a collaborative vehicle dedicated to reducing the murder rate by 50% in the next decade. This effort will create a safe city where every individual can live, work, and thrive without fear, and we believe that together, we can make this a reality. Our Mission: To empower individuals, neighborhoods, and businesses in Baton Rouge to take an active role in creating a safe and secure environment for all.
Our Focus: Through both immediate action while building long-term solutions, supporting community safety through three pillars of investment:
Community investment: evidence-based strategies to disrupt the cycle of crime and violence.
Law enforcement resources: existing and new strategies proven effective in stopping violent crime.
Accountability and transparency: entire system of justice and our collective investments.