Our Goals

Outcome-based strategies
SafeBR is committed to bring the community together around the conversation about public safety and fostering a deeper dialogue around how we can support businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations and business to engage and in the broader discussion about where we go from here. Through collaboration and comprehensive strategies, the SafeBR coalition seeks to:
Unify government, businesses, nonprofits, and others across pubic safety initiatives.
Outline a plan with a multifaceted approach to various initiatives that promote community safety in the short and long term (including support of national crime expertise reviewing overall strategies for the prevention of crime).
Announce immediate short-term actions combined with long-term commitments.
Develop clear fund-giving opportunities through a single website/portal; highlight general and specific efforts where donors can direct giving.
Providing updates on issues, outlining the response plan from police, sheriff, district attorney, and others, and analysis of crime data trends and public input.
Provide regular partner and community briefings to update on stats and progress.
Law Enforcement and Public Safety Report
( Additional Reports and briefings will also be made available to the public through updates on the SafeBR website)